
It is a quiet beast that lives in all of us! Sometimes it’s just a thought or a personal “momentito,” that allows us to be naughty or nice. It can produce such reactions as a simple smile, or it can elevate the temperature in any room to sizzling! By definition,Lust is any intense desire or craving for self gratification. Lust can mean strictly sexual, although it is also common to speak of a “Lust for life when referring to things such as food, materialistic items or danger” We have all had those moments where we see a fine individual and that little inner person with in us, steps to the front and starts saying things like – “OOOOO, OH MY GOD YOU … Read more

The Day After

Well, yesterday was here and now it’s gone, just as the days before and after it, it lasted about 24 hours. Take a look around everything is still the same with the exception of all us being one day older. Love is not some random force or freak accident of nature that needs to be hyped up by the notion that out of 366 days in a year we are considerate enough to donate one day in the name of love….. Just ask yourself if you made a chart comparing yesterday to most every other day, what are the differences and should there really be an abundance of temporary changes in professing ones love? Consistency is a beautiful thing a … Read more


Hope, by definition is a feeling that something desirable is likely to happen. Sometimes in life hope is all we have to hold onto – it’s right up there with a belief in a higher authority. Hope gives us strength when our bodies have nothing left to give. Hope allows our dreams to have longevity when the end seems near. Hope shows us love and support even when those we love sometimes fail. Hope keeps us young as we get older and makes us older when we are younger. To me it’s the best kept secret in life, with hope we can overcome the unknown and pursue what ever our hearts desire. Understand that everyday is a gift and a … Read more


Ecstasy by definition is a feeling of intense delight. Often times in life because of work, family, kids, friends, school, or even relationships we tend to over look the multitude of simple pleasures that surrounds us everyday. How about those mornings when you wake up early, only to realize that you have a few more hours to sleep. Then, there is that day where you find those old jeans you’ve been neglecting to wear for a while and in the pocket you find a ten dollar bill. What about standing in line waiting to pay for that new outfit only to find out that its on sale and it cost less than expected (damn should have picked up two)! Let’s … Read more


Charm is that most creative quality that delights or attracts. It’s the kind of thing that never stays the same. It mutates every few minutes in order to maintain an aura of magic and control. Why are humans so attracted to charm and often fooled by it? I’ll tell you why, it’s because charm is faceless! Its equivalent to those imaginary friends we all had as kids when we use to play “make believe.” In our minds those friends were real and their lure was uncontrollable, because they had the potential to do and be what ever we wanted. The imagination is infinite and because of this we often go beyond what’s happen at the moment because we are focused … Read more


I’M NOT AFRAID … sometimes life just gets to the point where we need to scream with all that we are, and all that we have- inside life burns with so much frustration that we literally feel strong enough to crush planet earth! What to say? What to do? What’s next? How will this ever work out? Imagine having the power to dig deep, see the whole picture, ripping yourself inside, only to find that you are made of the hardest substance on earth, and that you can shine no matter what, because you are a diamond! “ I’m not afraid to take a stand” Fear has limits, all we have to do is stand up and face them head … Read more


Michael Jordan, Martin Luther King Jr., Michael Jackson, Babe Ruth, Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, and this list could go on forever but what if Michael Jordan never held a basketball or Martin Luther King Jr. never made that famous “I Have a Dream Speech”? Life is a complex and mystifying phenomenon. If we believe in the notion that everyone is put on this earth for a reason and purpose, what happens when some of those people never make it into the world to see or achieve their mission or purpose in life? What if you were personally responsible for stopping slavery, or inventing electricity, how about the vaccinations for so many deadly viruses? How far we have advanced in our … Read more


Why are so many of us reluctant to admit that the internet plays an important role in our everyday activity? Is it shame, uncertainty, embarrassment, ignorance, or just plain silly? The internet is nothing more then the modern day telephone with the element of sight added into the mix. The whole point of communication is to express oneself while letting the other party involved discover who you are. Is it possible to see a person through words on a screen? Absolutely, in fact most of the time a few written sentences will be a better indicator than a mouth full of “BS,” as to what kind of person is before you. In other words, when you can see the “BS” … Read more


Effort is mental or physical energy that is exerted in order to achieve a purpose. Very few people in life put forth the kind of effort that extends beyond the point of exhaustion. The most successful people in life don’t attempt to do things…. they simply skip that initial step of “what if” and start right in with the “when I conquer this quest that is before me the next step is going to be bigger, better and greater” …… In other words they have learned to harness the power of believing in themselves, and the effort that they are capable of putting forth to the point of absolute self-confidence. Meaning that no matter the goal, difficulty, or circumstances they … Read more


Emotions are complicated but they can be made simple, if we pay attention. What’s the difference between “thinking” verses “knowing?” Most of the time in life we find ourselves in trouble because we “think” we “know” something… its that feeling of mistrust or doubt that creates worry, especially because we “think” something has happened based on speculation. Self-explanations seem to comfort the mind, but in reality all they do is provide a comfort blanket to believe in what ever we desire thus the term “Bull Shit!” Knowing is far-reaching, substantial, forthcoming, and sensitive, it contains none of the cloaked deception. In other words, there are no false impressions or figment of the imagination, just straight answers thus the term “No … Read more