The Master Key

The difference between love and friendship to me is like having different keys. They all may open doors, some only one, others may seem to fit the grooves but won’t turn… but one is a master key and it is allowed to open all the doors. The perfect combination is having both a master key along with that little key that opens the safe in the master bedroom, and the luxury suite. The keys that fit into the door, but does not actually open it we tend to hand out on a regular basis, because society has taught us that its “polite” The beauty of this friendship is that you can hand out these keys all day every day, and … Read more


Most likely when the word dancing comes to mind we all think of a beat, some kind of fluid motion, or in some cases a jerky and down right embarrassing motion that moves in opposition to the beat. Ever stop to wonder just how good most people are at dancing around the issues of everyday life. It’s like sliding on a piece of ice in that you know that in an instance you could totally bus your ass but yet we do it repeatedly. Well, it is this same kind of maneuvering that the majority of us have mastered in relation to dealing with what I call the facts of life. How many of us have said “Man I swear … Read more


Remember the type writer, 16 oz sodas, rock candy, dittos, and the T.V. sets where you had to turn the dial and if you broke the antenna you just used a clothes hanger to fix the reception. How about the spin dial phone, cassette tapes, records, tube socks, and lets not forget about those wonderful color combinations on those socks like orange and black. Look around it may not seem like much has changed but take a tour of your house and think about what things were like ten and twenty years ago. We want so much in life that often times we forget how far we have come and just how much “New Stuff” we have acquired. Sometimes in … Read more

The One

“I like hanging out with this one, but I am just not attracted to him sexually”, and “this one is hot but he’s an ass”, and “this one can rock my world like nobody in bed but the conversations suck”, and finally” this one is so sweet but everything is always the same.” Ever had any of the above thoughts, and enjoyed fascinating conversations with your girlfriends wondering how you can harness the power to change a few things about one of the men above, or even put two of them together? Ladies, the one you are looking for won’t have everything because no one does, but when you get to the point where things are so good they become … Read more

Theory of Love

At first it is one of the greatest discoveries in life, with endless dream – like qualities and characteristics. Love at first is full of smiles, wonders, hope, optimism, and praise, somehow making its way around the universe to touch each one of us at least once. So why is there such a monumental mystery surrounding the true meaning of love? Well, I have a theory. Most of us spend a lifetime chasing what we “think” we know and “desire,” while ignoring our true feelings that are truly being dictated by our body’s actions and reactions. In other words, most of the time it is more about what we like and what we want, and not so much about what we feel. The … Read more